Season of Our Joy . . . a Hebrew Roots observance of Sukkot!
And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.
NKJ Zechariah 14:16
What you can expect . . .
Daily Praise through Song and Dance - every Main Session begins with meaningful songs and praise dance. Everyone is welcome to participate. There are numerous opportunities throughout the festival to learn Hebraic circle dance.
Inspiring Messages - Special 'Main Session' messages from
knowledgeable 'Messiah-centered' teachers help us to understand the meaning of the festival and enlighten us on various aspects of the Hebraic walk ... and Yes, you can ask questions!
Deuteronomy Reading - Moses instructed the priests to read the Torah out loud every 7 years at the Feast. Though we do not read the entire Torah, we do read the entire book of Deuteronomy together and have a lively discussion after each portion. This year's (2024) Deuteronomy Readings will be held in the conference center following morning Praise and Worship.
Group Meals - Evening meals are enjoyed as a group. Whether it's a 'pot-luck' or an SOOJ sponsored event, there is a feast of food and fellowship every evening.
Break-Out Sessions - 'Discovered something interesting in the scriptures and want to share it with
others or a particular skill that might be of benefit to those 'in the walk'? Sign up for a Break Out session and be a blessing to the camp!
Activities - Swimming, boating, fishing, ga-ga ball, 9-square, and many other activities are available at Camp Shiloh.
Midnight Midrash - Want to just sit around and discuss the scriptures? Come to the evening 'Midnight Midrash' and bring a topic you'd like to discuss. Though they start in the evening, they are usually over before midnight!
Build a Sukkah! - You can build a sukkah practically anywhere on campus. Deck it out with fruit,
vegetables, and willow branches and invite your new-found friends over for wine and cheese!
Pitch In! - The best way to enjoy the Feast is to be a part of it. Participate in the 'Tribes' program and help share the workload so everyone can have an AWESOME feast!